Thin and Elegantly Cute
Evernote is a lifesaver. This is not a paid advertisement for Evernote. I would need an audience for that. But if it ever came to it, I’d be happy to pimp myself out.
I love that I can have that puppy with me wherever I go. Researching or composing or just planning, I’ve got it right on the computer. On the go, I’ve got the app on my phone. It is incredibly handy. Still, there are situations where the phone won’t cut it. Sometimes it’s just more discreet to use pen and paper. It’s also faster. A curse upon these sausage fingers.
I need special pen, but one that’s not very special. I like a workaday pen. I don’t stress about losing them and they do a fine job. If I run out of ink, the phone’s a backup. I like Bic (call me, people of Bic) Round Stic Medium point. Blue or black is fine by me.
You people that use fine point pens: you know that we’re onto you, right? We are aware you are small animal murderers, every one of you. Anyone who would happily bear that terrible scratching that comes with a fine point pen is clearly playing with dice with one too many sides.
I also adore those tiny versions of the old black and white covered composition books. I don’t know who makes those and I don’t feel like looking but yes I’ll play ball.
Before I end this, it’s critical that you know that I was totally joshing about my fingers. In reality, they are thin and elegantly cute.
PROGRESS REPORT: The first draft of my first chapter is done. It will need endless work, I’m sure, but I think I have a pretty good beat at the end that will leave a reader wanting a little more.